picture of Anthony
Anthony StemBreit


Retail Associate to Developer

I began my worklife at Target, T-loft(food service), and U-haul -until my roommate convinced me to take a Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp in May of 2020.
After graduating and reciving my certificate from the University of Kansas, I went on to be a Tutor and Teaching Assistant for the next year and a half.

The Coding Bootcamp -Graduated Nov. 2020


  • React
  • Node
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery


  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git


  • mySQL
  • Sequelize
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

My Time As a Tutor

What Teaching Taught Me

  • How to provide clear, simplified explinations of complex ideas
  • How to create documentation & effective visual aids
  • New technologies such as GraphQL and Regex
  • Alternative communication methods that now help me connect better with clients